Good news: Longtech has been recognized as a "specialized, refined, and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprise in Guangdong Province


&Nbsp; Good news

Recently, there was good news from the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province that our company was awarded the 2021 provincial "specialized, refined, and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprise certification.



Specialized, refined, and innovative "refers to industrial small and medium-sized enterprises with the characteristics of" specialization, refinement, specialization, and novelty ". This concept was first proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2011. At that time, the development mode of Chinese manufacturing enterprises with "three low and one weak" (low added value, low technological content, low quality, and weak brand) was difficult to sustain, and policies shifted to support the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises, moving towards the direction of "three high and one strong" (high added value, high technological content, high quality, and strong brand). MIIT hopes that SMEs can learn from the experience of Germany and Japan's Hidden champions to form their own development characteristics.
Our company has been recognized as a "specialized, refined, and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprise, which is of great significance for the company's development.
